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My experience at Campo Emilia,
how can I recap such amazing experience?
Let's start at the beginning, the first day at camp started a bit confusing,
A lot of new people and leaving my host family, soon enough we were all friends!
Then, we got our rooms, and I loved my roommates!

Already when I saw the castle that we were staying at I became exited. It was a beautiful location! The second I arrived at the camp, people were introducing themselves and making friends. Everyone was so nice and welcoming!
Even though the bus rides were long and the times between meals longer, it was bearable, because every city we went to or every trip we made offered great experiences and memories.
The blind dinner for example made me realize how lucky I am and how I shouldn’t take anything for granted.

Campo Emilia has blessed me with the best summer of my life: lasting friendships, eye opening experiences, and a million memories.
I cannot begin to describe how the connections I have made with my host family and fellow campers have impacted me and my future.
They have showered me with love and I am grateful for each and every one of them.

Italy ❤
One of the most beautiful countries in the world, tastiest food and most romantic people. I’m in love with Venice and Milano. I hope to have a chance to discover more cities and visit more castles. 

Emilia camp ❤
Place where i discovered new cultures, new feelings and new myself. I had 10 most unbelievable days in my life. I had new friends. I had new interesting moments which will stay in my heart forever.

To be honest, first condition you need to accomplish if you want to take part in Campo Emilia 2018 is to have a lot of energy, will and stamina. Furthermore, you need to be capable of giving, sharing and having a high level toleration.
Or, on the other side, you can just come unprepaired and acquire all of them.
First thing that Campo Emilia thaught me is to know how to take into consideration emotions of the other people and how to help them if they need some kind of help.

Campo Emilia taught me many things.

The most important being to never stop trying.
The first few days for me were hard, as I wasn’t making many friends and always found myself one step behind.
But as I tried to understand the camps purpose and talking with the campers from Italy, I realized I needed to focus on others and not on myself.

10 amazing days in The Emilia camp, i think it was one of the best days in my life.

living in a castle was incradeable!
Every day was different and interesting, camp leaders were amazing. We have visited many beautiful and important cities and places.
We were walking, driving a lot but we were not tired at all.
Than many funny activities at the castle.

July 18th
Blind dinner,
An AMAZING experience, this has definitely changed my point of view, you can never know how different and difficult something can be until you set yourself in the situation.
Every. thing that you do is defined by many other actions, making tea requires more then 10 actions, so imagine not being able to see a thing, imagine having to notice every little action so you won’t mess up and make a mess. 

There are not enough words to describe how incredible the Emilia camp was, it is an experience that leaves a mark on me and that will remain through the years.
Living in an beautiful  ancient castle, you can feel the history on its walls and imagine all the legends that were told there, just amazing!
I lived and traveled with more than 30 strangers, we were very different, we do not know each other, but little by little they became in my friends and even more, in my family.<3

Hi everyone, 
There are too many things to say about these 10 days at the camp with y'all and i don't even know where to start.   
I can honestly say that at the beginning i wasn't really Happy to do this experience because I thought that this idea of inclusion was stupid since i have always been to camos without any problema but then i understood that this wasn't just for me but for all of us. 

This experience has been the best that I've ever had in my entire life.
I had the chance to visit a country that is extremely rich by its culture, and which I was dreaming about discovering for so long.
But most importantly, I got to know awesome people from all around the world, who were absolutely amazing the whole time, and share with them the most beautiful moments of my journey as well as the struggle which was faded by the intense moments
I lived with them.

This was my first student exchange and i must say it was an amazing experience. 
I had alot of fun, made so many new friends. The camp leaders were so nice and friendly. 
Being a vegetarian , food was the only problem i had. But it’s all okay compared to the memories i made.
Thanks a lot for hosting us and making this possible.

This experience was so amazing for me! 
I knew new cultures, people and inacreditable places.
In Italy everywhere are magic and wonderful in my opinion. I love this country!
The camp was perfect and I really thought very important the activity "Dark dinner" because it feels me what is difficult the blind's life because they don't have every our indepence, so we should help them.

This was my first student exchange and i must say it was an amazing experience. 
I had alot of fun, made so many new friends. The camp leaders were so nice and friendly. 
Being a vegetarian , food was the only problem i had. But it’s all okay compared to the memories i made.

Primo anno al campo Emilia!

Bellissima esperienza che spero si possa ripetere in futuro.
Ho conosciuto persone fantastiche e inclusive con tantissima voglia di fare e di divertirsi allo stesso tempo!
Vi ringrazio davvero di cuore per tutto! 


Ciao Loris e Chiara , 
Innanzitutto devo ringraziarvi tanto per aver fatto partecipare al campo Emilia anche 4 persone ipovedenti ( cosa che non è da tutti), quindi siete stati molto originali e speciali!

Per quanto riguarda l'esperienza vissuta, devo dire che non me l'aspettavo così bella ed intensa di emozioni: di fatto, all'inizio pensavo di non integrarmi bene con il resto del gruppo, cosa del tutto normale, visto che all'inizio siamo timidi, ma dopo qualche giorno ho fatto amicizie con il resto del gruppo e mi sono integrato moto bene. Essi hanno capito il problema alla vista e si sono resi disponibili al momento del bisogno ( per salire gli scalini ad esempio o per dirmi "Attento alla macchina").
Questa esperienza, inoltre, è stato molto istruttiva ed utilissima  a livello culturale e sociale: nel senso che, abbiamo scoperto la cultura degli altri paesi e come si vive all'estero ( sistema scolastico, universitario, lavoro), cosa non scontata al giorno d'oggi.

I am very happy because I was a part of this exchange. My experience was great.
I was in two families. In first one I didn't have company, but the parents were so great and they did everything they could to make this experience amazing for me. The second one was also great, but I liked it better because I had company.
Few days before camp I met Lolo who was fun and Lolo told me something about the camp.

I had a great experience with the Lions Youth Exchange in Italy.

Both of my host families were great. I didn’t expect to have a program in my families, so everything we did was amazing. With my first we visited quite a lot of places. The days we spend at home or at the pool were great too, because it was nice to have a day for not doing something. The family was really nice too. They taught us a little Italian and gave us a lot to eat, all the food was tasty.

Even though we didn’t do as much as in the first family, my second family was great too. The first day they took me to the Lake Garda, we had a great time there. The days after me and my host sister went into the city for shopping. Also at their home it was great. The whole family was – like the first family – really nice and welcoming to me.

Hello this is Julie Bernier, I was a youth exchange camper at Campo Emilia this year.
My experience in Italy with the host families and the camp was absolutely amazing.
My host families were good people, and they made me feel very welcome and took me to amazing places. 
The camp was amazing, I had tons of fun and I have made memories that will last a lifetime. 
I wouldn't change anything about the camp or anything about my experience. 

My trip to Italy had started on June 25th.
It was the first time I had ever gone out of the United States, and I was really excited to see what all of it was going to be like - the plane ride there, the country, the people- everything.
My first host family was great- they were really welcoming and friendly and made my time with them go smoothly. We went and saw different towns around their home in Carpi every day- we saw a few castles, which I learned there was a lot of in Italy, and went to a beautiful lake one day with beautiful villas and a lot of tourists.
My second host family was wonderful, too- they were very friendly and gave me everything I needed. I went to the pool and shopping with them, and relaxed a lot in the house.