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Hello! My name is Kaitlin Coughran and I live in Australia from a city called Lismore.
I took place in the International Lions Youth Exchange Programme for six weeks adventuring to Europe in 2016 from December to mid-January.
The places I visited were Italy, Germany and London, both amazing places with lots of history.
I found out about the Youth Exchange through a family friend and couldn’t pass this amazing opportunity, so I applied.

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I really loved my time in Italy! I had two families, the Ricotti family in Campagnano and the Zanti family in Carpi.
It was amazing that my hosts were so generous with their time and love, making me feel right at home.Both took me to many places that were a fair drive away so that I was able to see more of your country, which I really appreciated. All the food I ate (and there was a lot!) it was all delicious and I tried such a range of Italian food.
They were also more than happy to share their language and culture with me, and to introduce my to family and friends which just made my stay even better.
It was great with the Ricotti family to be shown around other places by some of the Lions club members, and to also attend one of their club meetings (even though it was just a casual one!). It was very thoughtful of them to organise the Leo’s outing for us so we could talk to some younger people, that was a really fun night and it was lovely to make that connection.

My stay in Italy began in Milan, where I was hosted by a lovely family In Saronno for about 10 days.
We got along perfectly from the very beginning and they had already planned many sightseeing trips and tours for me.
Together with the mother, sister and brother, we went to food clubs and restaurants where we tried some traditional Italian foods, and we visited famous landmarks such as the Duomo of Milan, and ‘la galleria di Vittorio Emanuele II ‘.

My stay in Italy was amazing and I have nothing to complain about.
I was completely welcomed into the family and felt very comfortable. T
he winter camp was very enjoyable and we were all so lucky to be shown such amazing things!  
Thankyou for everything,

My stay in Italy was amazing. My host family was lovely, very funny, warm and inviting. I felt just like part of the family especially during the Christmas period. Day trips to Naples and Bari were great to see the famous cities from a locals perspective.
The camp was in a perfect location and was a great time to meet other international friends. The activities were fine - possibly too many archeological sites and museums. There could be more engaging experiences for young people such as more travelling to other towns or events other than to see cathedrals or museums - which were interesting yet overdone in my opinion. The places where we ate were spectacular. All the camp organisers were great leaders and very nice people.

Thankyou for this incredible experience, it was amazing

Hello all!! I finally made the video that i was talking about and wanted to share it with you guys :)

It's crazy to think that last we saw each other was one and a half month ago and i have really started to miss you all. I continue to miss you all and hopefully see you in the future :)

Love from Oliver <3  


Today, as the year ends, and I reflect upon all the beautiful things that happened to me, I realise that travelling to Italy was undoubtedly the best thing so far. 
To all the people who gave me this opportunity, thank you sooo much! 
And to all the happy and likeminded souls I met along this journey of ours, there's no one like you, and I'm glad you contributed to making this such a beautiful year for me! 
Wishing alllll you crazy people around the world, A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Hope to see you soon!  

Salve, mi chiamo Ariah Perez e quest’anno, durante il Campo Apulia 2016 organizzato dal Lions Club International, ho rappresentato gli Stati Uniti d’America. È stata la mia prima volta in Italia e sono stata molto onorata di poter sperimentare la cultura, il cibo e la storia a cui gli italiani tengono molto.
Tra le cose memorabili di Puglia e Basilicata ci sono il cibo, le bellezze storiche e più di tutto le preziose esperienze che non dimenticherò mai.
Un magnifico ricordo che ho portato a casa con me è il cibo straordinario. Ho imparato in fretta, dalla famiglia che mi ha ospitato, che i pomodori, la mozzarella e l’olio d’oliva sono tutti prodotti base nel Sud Italia. Alberi d’ulivo e vigne crescono dappertutto in Puglia. La Dispensa del Salento ha donato ai componenti del nostro campo bottiglie d’olio d’oliva personali. Il giorno che siamo arrivati a cucinare pasta e frutti di mare, che si trovano comunemente in Salento, abbiamo avuto l’opportunità di assaggiare l’olio d’oliva. Ne ho amato il gusto così tanto che ho finito per versarlo sull’intero piatto. Se da una parte sono stata molto attratta dai sapori sprigionati dall’olio ho tuttavia una vera passion per i dolci. Il mio dolce preferito è stato il krapfen. Ho amato molto il krapfen, per la dolce crema all’interno e lo zucchero spolverizzato sulla parte esterna.
Nel Salento lo si può trovare in ogni bar o pasticceria. 

Mi chiamo Elena Dal Mas e quest’anno ha avuto l’opportunità di seguire il gruppo di ragazzi che partecipava al campo Alpe Adria. Premetto che è stata un’esperienza indimenticabile. Dopo essere stata camper io stessa, provare l’esperienza di membro dello staff mi incuriosiva.

Negli ultimi anni trascorsi i Lions mi hanno concesso la possibilità di raggiungere mete impensabili, da territori vicini quasi confinanti a noi a paesi nell'altro capo del mondo, patrie quasi sconosciute caratterizzate da paesaggi e caratteristiche completamente diversi da quelli a cui siamo abituati.
Quest'anno Lionistico invece si era aperto con un punto di domanda, mi ero affidato al caso, ripromettendomi di accettare una delle prime mete che mi sarebbero state proposte: mai avrei pensato che dopo anni all'estero sarei capitato nel campo Alpe Adria in Italia. Io insieme ad altri 3 ragazzi avremmo fatto parte dello staff coordinante 20 campers provenienti da tutto il mondo, da Taiwan agli Stati Uniti.

Quest’anno ho fatto parte dello staff del campo Alpe Adria. Noi membri dello staff e 20 ragazzi provenienti da tutto il mondo abbiamo iniziato il campo Alpe Adria dalle montagne del Cadore definite Patrimonio dell’umanità dall’ Unesco.

Each one from each far away part of the world.
Each one so different from the others. 21 young people from 18 different countries living together in one unique place. All of them changing experiences, sharing stories, learning new cultures. We are going to take all these wonderful days and special moments forever in our minds (and hearts). I really hope you can have the best memories as I will have. Lions programme purpose is to join people like us, young people who are the future of the world. Thanks a lot for your friendship. Thank you Lions Youth Exchange, Thank you Campo Emília, was a wonderful camp. The best days in Italy"

2016 - Campo Emilia

BRASILE - Samantha Valar Castro  - 21 young people from 18 different countries living together

I had the most amazing weeks during this time in Italy! I stayed with the kindest hostfamily in Matera, and I got so many new italian friends!

The first thing that Giovanna, our camp director, told us is that this camp is tough.
At first I didn’t believe it would be that bad, but I was sadly mistaken.

Sono tornata da poco dal Campo Italia, il Campo più grande in tutta Italia che quest’anno ha ospitato 40
ragazzi di diversa nazionalità.
Premetto che sono una camper italiana e che ho visitato gran parte dell’Italia ma in questo contesto è stato
molto più divertente!

After an amazing week with my hostfamily in Prato, I flew to Bari where the Camp started. Unfortunately I wasn’t informed that the camp-bus went from the north of Italy to Alberobello and picked up most of the campers. Anyway, I reached the camp and immediately started to get to know all the great campers from all over the world.

First of all, I'd like to apologize for my late response. Following my time in Italy, I have been very busy working and planning my future.

Ho chiesto di poter entrare a far parte dello staff del Camp Alpe Adria 2015 perché ero curiosa di conoscere cosa si prova a “stare dall'altra parte”.

organisiert von Stefania und Aldo Trovato
Campleader: Martina Trovato, Rubesh Thirumeny, Alessandro Gioè

In diesem Sommer durfte ich viele einzigartige Momente in Sizilien erleben und viele nette Menschen kennen lernen.