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ITALIA: what else?

The experience at Camp Handargevidda was challenging, adventurous and educational 
Norway is a country with spectacular nature which, especially in this camp, requires a great spirit of adaptation and also a little physical training.
The food, the hours of continuous natural light and even a little snow represent a discovery for everyone in the month of July.
I left equipped because I live in northern Italy, unfortunately my suitcase was lost during the stopover and so I had to organize myself further
In the camp I was able to make friends and meet guys from different cultures and also get to know the culture of Norway which is very different from the Mediterranean countries, we met other lions who told us about their services
This was an experience that gave me greater independence and increased my spirit of adaptation and my self-esteem.

Il 7 luglio 2022 sono partita per quello che è stato il mio terzo campo Lions e questa volta ho avuto l’occasione di visitare e vivere quella che è la Norvegia.
Ho passato i primi 3 giorni con una ragazza danese in famiglia con un’anziana signora con cui ci siamo trovate bene fin da subito e con cui abbiamo visitato alcuni musei vicino alla sua città.
Al terzo giorno arriviamo nel luogo nel quale si sarebbe svolto il campo STRANDENGA per 13 giorni e abbiamo avuto modo di conoscere gli altri ragazzi/ragazze. Eravamo di 13 nazionalità diverse e fin da subito ci siamo trovati molto bene.

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My trip to Norway began when I was hosted by a wonderful Norwegian family, who hosted 10 kids in their holiday home in Sweden.
The family guaranteed us food at will and every day we were presented with a different activity.
We visited in Sweden, a lake near the house that we stayed where we bathed and spent 2 pleasant afternoons in the middle of nature.
Everyone had their own room and on campus there were 3 Italians with whom I could get settled more easily, also the guys inside the house were great, which enriched me culturally thanks to the differences of their traditions.
After last week in Sweden we changed state and arrived in Norway.

My trip to Norway began on July 5.
A few days before the departure, I received an email from Helle, the manager of the "Imagine Peace" camp, in which she explained that she couldn’t find a host family for me and other people.
Therefore, Helle herself made her cabin in Sweden, right on the border with Norway, available for us.
At first, I have to admit that I was a little scared of the situation.
However, I never imagined that the upcoming week would be so amazing.

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